Friday, October 5, 2012

29 Weeks!!

Today, we're 29 weeks into this pregnancy. Apparently that means baby is about the size of a squash/small pumpkin. He's a pretty active pumpkin!

 29 Weeks!!

First of all, I don’t know how time is going by so quickly. It seems like we were just writing everyone to say that we were expecting and now we are in the third trimester. Yikes. It also means that it’s been 8 weeks since we found out what we are having. Yes, it’s a baby but it also happens to be a little BOY!! Finding out that it’s a boy means….

…We’re having an ongoing debate about what sports he can play (football=no; water polo=yes; lacrosse=yes; golf, running, tennis and other non-contact sports=definitely). Do you think he’ll want an opinion?

…I’ve been able to shop for clothes that aren’t yellow. We haven’t bought a ton, but what we have bought has been adorable things in green and blue and red and more blue. I did buy a super cute little polo shirt (he is Ben’s son after all).

…Ben got onboard with my nursery concept. He had been hesitant about a bright green wall but is now fully committed (which is good because my mom painted the wall bright green). Sneak peek in the photos below.

…Nerf guns, bugs and gross boy stuff is going to take over my world even more than it currently does. Maybe we should get a female cat?

So, we’re making progress on the nursery and I’ve been sewing the bedding. We’ll post a bunch more pictures and I’ll really try to write more frequently (you know, more than once every 8 weeks).

Here's a picture from this morning. 

Here's the baby's profile at 27 weeks.


  1. Room looks great, baby looks even better. And nerf guns rock!

  2. I LOVE IT!!! You are a beautiful pregnant woman!

  3. Love the room color and the alphabet - did you make those out of wooden cut outs and fabric or scrap book sheets?

  4. You look great! LOVE baby's room - that house needed some color!
