Monday, June 25, 2012

It's a baby!

 We're having a baby!

I know most of you aren't surprised. We've sort of been on this path for a while and buying a new house in December sort sealed the deal. But, now it's really happening (yay! and yikes!).

We're 14 weeks into this, which means there have been about 8 weeks of feeling like complete and total crap. I had now idea how tired I would be. Morning sickness wasn't a problem, it was the late-afternoon-into-the-night sickness that has been a problem. Fortunately, in the last few weeks, I'm getting some energy and my appetite back.

Ben has been amazing. He's taking such good care of me. Between cleaning and cooking and everything else, he's been really great. I know he would be but he really has gone above and beyond. I'm a lucky girl.

This week the baby is the size of a lemon. My clothes are getting tight. This worries me because what will happen when the baby is, well, the size of baby? I'm going be wearing nothing but tents.

The baby is scheduled to arrive on December 21. Yes, a Christmas baby. We wouldn't have picked that but  it will be an amazing Christmas present. Please think good thoughts that baby comes on time.

Here are the answers to the other questions everyone seems to ask:

  • Yes, we will be finding out the gender, and yes, we will share the news.  
  • Yes, we will be picking out a name, and  no, we will not be sharing it. 
  • No, I'm not opposed to getting an epidural. Do you get a cavity filled without getting it numbed? 
  • Yes, our families are excited (side note: why wouldn't they be? We aren't 16 and pregnant. By the time the baby gets here, we will have been together for 9 years. Most of our family said "about damn time").

Here's baby's first photo album:

Who's nose does this look like?
High-five! Look at those fingers!

I love this first one because baby is sucking its thumb. In the second she/he is looking at us. 

One more of baby looking comfy.