Monday, January 30, 2012

Grateful, Focused and Far from Perfect

This year I've decided not to create resolutions. Being a "list maker," I normally love coming up with my New Year's Resolutions. But what good are they? I usually end up with the same things on list and I accomplish most but not all. I'm going to keep trying to save money, travel and spend time with friends, but in addition to that, I'm going to take three words and try to apply them to my life, my work, my hobbies, my home, etc.

Gratitude: During the holiday season, I realized that stopping to reflect and appreciate all of blessings felt good and made me happy. It also made me realize that I have much to be thankful. Part of being grateful requires a positive attitude, so I'm going to try to find positive elements in every situation. 

Focused: This one builds on the last one. Part of being grateful is appreciating things when they happen. I'm going to work on being present and enjoying moments more. I'm also going to work on doing less so I can be more focused. I want to get better at the things I enjoy doing and one way to do that is stop doing so much. I guess I'm going to have to learn to say, "no."

Mistakes: Nothing is ever perfect and I'm quickly realizing that it doesn't need to be. If I stop trying to get things perfect, I'll probably have more time to focus on other things. it goes:

I'm so grateful that I work from home on Mondays and when I look out my office window I have an amazing view. Please notice, that this photo is far from perfect :). 

January 30: Hey I made it!

Despite being a bit of a cliche, I've decide one of the things I want to accomplish this year is personal blogging with some regularity. I'm off to a great start, right? January is almost over and I'm just getting to my first post. Oops.

A lack of "good" ideas really derailed me last year, so this year, rather than try to blog around a theme or idea, it's going to be a lot more stream-of-conscience style. I plan on documenting what's happening in our lives, so watch for food, travel, crafts and house projects.

If you're looking for something profound, please turn off now; if you're not, stay tuned.....

Oh, and if you followed my old blog...sorry, it's gone.